
Stirling Sub Aqua Club

We're a branch of the Scottish Sub-Aqua Club, the governing body for Scuba Diving in Scotland

Membership Overview

Stirling Sub Aqua Club is a branch of the Scottish Sub Aqua Club (ScotSAC). ScotSAC develop the training courses, provides all our training material and carries the third party liability insurance.

Stirling Sub Aqua is one of the biggest and most active diving clubs in Scotland with many branch and regional instructors. A large and active membership also means that there are always dives (either training, shore or boat) most weeks. The club meets up at The Peak Leisure centre in Stirling every Thursday evening, followed by a social get together at the Birds and Bees in Stirling.

To become a member you need to join ScotSAC and Stirling Sub Aqua Club. Just contact us for more details.

Membership Benefits

  • Equipment Hire - This won't cost any more than £15/day and ensures you don't go have to buy equipment until you're ready and its absolutely necessary.
  • Tank refills - we have a few compressors providing free, unlimited refills for members.
  • Training - the instructors are members and provide their time free of charge. The training is done at your pace allowing you to mix diving for fun with training dives.
  • Weekend Trips - We frequently hire dive charters and organise weekends away to Skye, Inveraray, Oban, Lochaline, Scapa Flow(Orkney), Farne Islands...
  • Trips Further Afield - we venture abroad with trips to the Red Sea or Lanzarote
  • A great social scene, including regular nights' outs, Ceilidhs and Christmas events.

Membership Costs

There are various costs associated with diving with the club:-

  • ScotSAC Membership - We all have to join the govering body to ensure we have insurance and recognised training standards. ScotSAc fee is about £55/year for a single member. The fees vary depending on the type of memebership. Click here for up to date details.
  • Stirling Sub Aqua Club - We also have our own fee. As a guide it's £85 for a single member. Get in touch about the other options, like joint membership.
  • Equipment - As with all sports there's a huge range of prices to suit most budgets. There is a very active second hand market in Scuba Equipment, which helps. We can hire out equipment (tanks, regulators etc..), but not dry suits (everybody is a different shape and size). Second hand dry suits cost in the region of £80 - £200 but, if you want a new one, it will set you back £300 - £800